What people are saying

Becoming Spiritually Centered

BUY IT. If you always wanted to know the answer to “if the Gospel is true, why am I so miserable?” THIS SERIES WILL HELP YOU UNCOVER THE ANSWER! I am so grateful that a friend of mine shared this program with me, and that I in turn shared it with our family. It has changed our life second only to our testimonies that the Gospel is true. You will go through CD after CD and think “I know this.” And you do, because it all comes from the scriptures and teachings of the Apostles and Prophets. What Jim Cox does is show you the logical connections of active application. If you apply these principles in your life, I promise you, you will become more like Christ. The things which are so hard for you to overcome today will be a thing of the past. Today, I am struggling to love the recent actions of my sister who continues to promote and incite evil against my family. Thanks to Brother Cox, I have been willing to truly Let Go and Let God, separate the value she has in God’s eyes from her current performance, and pray to use these adversities and evil for spiritual growth, and truly pray for the well being of “those who curse you and spitefully use you” (Matt 5:44, Luke 6:28), not just lip service, but really mean it. Life has become a far more even keeled, peaceful place since we incorporated these teachings in our life. Please do not waste another moment of your life without learning these things. – Kathryn

This set of talks has had a huge impact on my life. I have listened to them again and again. He teaches practical applications that can be used in every-day life to strengthen testimonies and bring us closer to our Savior. I learned how to use each day for spiritual growth, and it has blessed my life tremendously. I highly recommend them for every home! – Chris

This is tedious to read… however, it is life changing. Again and again he presents truths you knew but haven’t applied. I promise that even if you only listen to what he says and do not apply his techniques you will have tremendous strength to meet your challenges and change your weakness. I love self help and inspirational reading. I have read it all and this is the best.
We are facing unbelievable troubles in our family at this time and these CDs have changed our ability to triumph over great adversity. They are also helpful in parenting. I have been able to teach my kids that their self worth comes from God not me, not school and not peers. I am better at disconnecting from problems that aren’t mine. Listen and learn how to enjoy the day no matter what. My son has a brain injury. One morning he woke up with symptoms which normal would break my heart. I had spent several weeks applying Cox’s instructions, I looked at my son and rejoiced for God’s hand in our day in offering us such an amazing opportunity for spiritual growth. I was full of peace and I enjoyed my day and my son. – Leah

How To Qualify For The Celestial Kingdom Today
I can’t say enough about how incredible I think this book is.